Our story of Ashleigh and Davies wedding at Glenbervie was featured recently on the fantastic
'We Fell in Love' Scottish Wedding Blog (you should really bookmark it!!)
Hopefully their images and a bit more of their story will be appearing soon in the best Scottish magazine around -
The Scottish Wedding Directory. So, at the risk of totally over exposing them, I thought I would add them to my own blog (before they get too famous!). It is one of the few occasions where we didn't attend the 'bride getting ready' first and instead focused in on the groom at the church. It brought a whole different flow to the pictures of the day which I really enjoyed.

This was the first of two visits we had to St Andrews Cathedral in the space of a few days (
see Hazel, below) but it was the first time I had worked and
Glenbervie and I must say, what a pleasant experience it was. Lots of interesting nooks and crannies for our couple to pose in and a fantastic lawn to play with and a peacock - I loved it! You can see what a handsome couple Davie and Ashleigh make and it was great to be involved with a couple who were so particular about their photography, bringing their own ideas into the shots and setting aside plenty of time for the pictures.

I will leave the last word on the wedding to Ashleigh who, when asked about how her and Davie got together answered with this great wee story -
"We bumped into each other in a nightclub that we both love (The classy Shed in Shawlands). A song that we liked came on which we both started to dance to. We were dancing back to back and literally bumped into each other! We both apologised and then had some cheeky chat: Davie: “I think you’ll find I was dancing here first so you will need to move” Ashleigh: “haha I think you’ll find I was dancing far better than you so you’ll need to move!” Davie: “Well there is only one way to settle this, a dance off!” Ashleigh “haha you’re on!” … we still disagree to this day on who actually won the dance off!"
This was just one of those weddings where everything ran smoothly, absolutely to plan, really nice guests who helped, a stunning couple and fantastic weather. A 'perfect day'which appropriately enough was the 'marryoke' song they performed in the evening for the fabulous
Gee-Whizz Wedding VideoLittle did I know then that this was about the only sunshine we were to see over the summer months.......
Wedding Photography Glasgow by 1500 Photography