Crutherland House Wedding - Lesley and Steven
Lesley and Stevens Crutherland House wedding has a bit of a story attached to it, so bare with me. 7 years ago I shot Lesley's graduation photo. Lesley was really impressed with her pictures and vowed that I would be the person she gets to shoot her wedding. However at that time I was working for another studio which has since shut down and obviously moved on to start 1500 Photography. I am touched to reveal that, even after all that time, Lesley hunted me down online, eventually found me and asked if I would be available to shoot her wedding - how could I possibly say no? I was humbled to be asked.
So as you would expect we started the day at Lesleys parents house (where I got to see those graduation pictures, hung pride of place in the dining room) to capture Lesleys preparations. Then it was onto Crutherland House where the couple had opted for a humanist ceremony. Then we had the slightly ominous prospect of shooting a good number of complicated group shots. Again though I have to pay tribute to Lesley who had the guests prepped and organised - despite my reservations, the group shots ran like absolute clockwork.
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Everything about the couple really impresses me. Their organisation, their determination and the bond that they have with each other. It was a fantastic day to be a part of and and I so thrilled that Lesley spent so long searching for me. A touching experience which I am very proud of.
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