Wednesday 26 June 2013

Cameron House Wedding - Birgit and Armin

Cameron House Wedding

Our last wedding of 2012 and it was a Cameron House wedding, but this one was a little different. It was conducted almost exclusively via sign language !!

Both Birgit and Armin were German and had come over to the 'Bonnie Banks' for not just one wedding ceremony but two. A civil ceremony first in the morning to take care of the legalities of getting married then a traditional Scottish Wedding ceremony complete with 'tying the knot' conducted by a hairy highlander, Scot AnSgeulaiche

cameron house wedding cameron house wedding cameron house wedding

cameron house wedding wedding at cameron house

The wedding part just consisted of Birgit and Armin with their wedding planners Magdalena and John who specialise in 'destination' weddings from Germany. Birgit and Armin spoke very little English and I speak even less German (for some reason 'schnell' and 'ya' about covers my knowledge). So this meant the finer points of posing the couple and eliciting a reaction in them either through banter, corny jokes and them interacting with each other was taken out of the equation for me.

wedding at cameron house wedding at cameron house wedding at cameron house

weddings at loch lomond weddings at loch lomond

But when you look at the doesn't matter. You wouldn't know that we could barely understand what we were saying to each other, somehow what I wanted to do for Birgit and Armin and what they wanted from the pictures married up perfectly and I left Cameron House that day with one of the best weddings of the year. I am humbled that we got on so well after only spending a few hours together and produced such wonderful results despite our communcation being so limited. It was a magical day and the perfect way to round off what had been a magic year for 1500 Photography.

weddings at loch lomond

More Weddings at Cameron House by 1500 Photography

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