Glenskirlie Wedding - Heather and Jonathan
I've already posted a picture from Heather and Jonnys Glenskirlie Wedding and so far its been the most popular picture I have ever put up on our facebook page, Heathers dog - Vinnie !!
We got some absolutely cracking shots in Heathers apartment before we got to Glenskirlie. What an amazing differecne it makes to your day when the bride is ready on time and has allowed 15 minutes for pictures before she leaves. Heather looked absolutely beautiful and was accompanied to her Glenskirlie wedding by two beautiful bridesmaids and her Gran Ena who is such a character and a great laugh!

After a lovely humanist ceremony we took Heather and Jonny up to their honeymoon suite for pictures. Although not the suite Heather was hoping for we still managed to get some lovely shots in the darker room before using the lift and staircase for some striking pictures. Heather and Jonny are such a lovely couple and Heather was an absolutely stunning bride. The day was a day full of sparkle brilliantly planned by Heather who with Supernova events had organised one of the most amazing room set ups Ive ever seen at Glenskirlie.
Congratulations to you both !!
Glenskirlie Wedding Photography by 1500 Photography