I haven't really covered Lee-Ann and Kierans wedding in the blog as it took place towards the end of the year. We started off at Our Lady of Lourdes we then travelled up to
Glenskirlie Castle for the reception. When we got to Glenskirlie the light began to fade fast but as we took a couple of shots on the 'love seat' at the back of the gardens Gillian spotted the dramatic skyline where the sun had just set. The slope up the little hill side was soft and muddy but Lee-Ann was very keen to get this shot. So we managed to negotiate a path for Lee-Ann and Kieran to make their way and as you can see from the result
below we were rewarded with a stunning image (our shot of the year)
Since you have already seen some of the best images from the wedding I thought I would post a couple of 'different' shots that I really like. Shot 1 I love how the little boy is rocking back on his heels at being introduced to the flower girl, shot 2 was leaving the church after a quick photo session on the alter and the geusts bus had just pulled away and shots no3 and 4 were taken about 1 second apart - its just to let you see the guest 'paparazzi'

You will see more of Lee-Ann and Kierans wedding soon as I have taken a shot from their wedding to be used as our advert in the
Real Life Weddings magazine. Its a bit different so watch this space for an update.
1500 Photography
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