Time to vote for 1500 photography's 'Wedding Picture of the Year' 2014
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It's that time of year again already folks. We want you to choose our 'picture of the year'. A picture that which will adorn our website, Facebook and some lucky couples living room wall (not to mention the kudos of being the winning shot). This years winner will secure themselves a lovely 24″ Framed print of their winning image. So get voting - Most votes wins !!
Share the poll with friends, start online campaigns, tweet, Facebook, anything goes.
The couple with the most votes by midnight on the 13th Feb – wins the framed image. The winner will be announced on Valentines Day (awwwwww)
Clicking on the individual shots will enlarge them in your browser.
Rules : Vote for your 3 favourite shots. Dont just vote for the same picture 3 times and remember - it's just a bit of fun
Pick your fav, or your friends pictures, then have a wee browse and pick another couple of shots which catch your eye. This way we can definitively reach the 'shot of the year'
Vote by clicking in the box above the image and cast 3 votes please
[polldaddy poll="8581678"]