The last sitting I shot (Little Jack) had his pictures taken in Paisley at his grans house for convenience, even though he lives in Hamilton. Jacks mum then recommended me to her next door neighbour. So, I travelled out to the very outskirts of Hamilton, almost 30 miles and an hour away, only to be met by someone I went to school with. In fact her best friend and my best friend were an item at high school. I don't think we had seen each other since we were both about 15.....small world, as they say.
Anyway, back to the pictures. And as you can see once again we came up trumps shooting young kids in their own environment. We started off baby Katherine's pictures with her in her party dress, before a few nappy shots in between a change of outfit. She was a lovely little girl but boy was she mobile.
Our next sitting was also in the Hamilton area but fortunately not too far away. ...........In fact it was next door.